Wirral Fertility Acupuncture pregnancy belly pink dress

Female Fertility

There is growing amount of research into the specific effects of acupuncture for female fertility. Initial research suggests acupuncture may help by:

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Normalising the menstrual cycle – regulating cycle length, pain, blood flow and ovulation.
Increasing blood circulation in the pelvis to the ovaries and uterus and improving the endometrial lining thickness.
Helping to induce ovulation by stimulating release of GnRH by the hypothalamus and luteinising hormone from the pituitary gland.
Improving implantation rates when given around the time of embryo transfer.
Reducing stress and anxiety to help increase chances of conceiving.
Increasing energy and balancing hormones.

parents mother and father holding new born baby fertility treatment

Male Fertility

A number of clinical studies have found that acupuncture can lead to a significant improvement in sperm quality and motility.

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It is thought that acupuncture may enhance male fertility by improving hormone levels and testicular blood flow and by reducing inflammation and stress levels which have an adverse effect on male fertility.
Researchers found five weeks of acupuncture treatment reduced the number of structural abnormalities in sperm and increased the overall number of normal sperm in a group of men with infertility problems.
Research also says that acupuncture helps sperm production and increases met enkephalins in the blood and has the effect of energising them. Acupuncture is beneficial the day before a sperm sample is given during IVF.
•  Male fertility acupuncture treatment is scheduled once or twice a week over a period of 5-10 weeks, together with dietary and lifestyle advice.

Benefits of Fertility Acupuncture

A growing body of scientific research now supports the efficiency of acupuncture for fertility, indicating that couples are significantly more likely to fall pregnant naturally or to successfully conceive following an IVF cycle. Acupuncture for fertility helps prepare the body for conception and pregnancy by:

–  Increasing blood flow to the reproductive organs, balancing the reproductive cycle –

–  Improving the quality of the endometrial lining –

–  Helping to regulate the immune system –

–  Helping reduce stress and anxiety which can affect women when trying to conceive –

– Increasing energy and balancing hormones –

A benefit of acupuncture is that it doesn’t focus on just one organ, but on the body as a whole, including mental health. Acupuncture releases endorphins, nature’s pain relieving messengers, helping reduce discomfort, stress and anxiety that are easily triggered in women trying to conceive. Men can also benefit from using acupuncture prior to and during IVF, particularly if there is male factor infertility or they have high stress levels.

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